Fully Automated


Books, Ebooks & Other Digital Resources...

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The Carmel School Library boasts a fully automated system complete with Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS) and Barcode technology. Its vast collection of over 10,000 printed books and subscriptions to numerous printed journals, newspapers, and magazines offer students and staff an extensive range of academic and non-academic literature, while the library’s large collection of reference books caters to their specific needs. The library’s shelves are organized alphabetically, with books further arranged by genre for ease of access.

The library conducts a thorough stock verification process every two years to ensure the integrity of its collection. Additionally, students benefit from a comfortable reading room with a seating capacity of over 50, while a separate reading area caters to the faculty’s requirements. All relevant files pertaining to library and library services are meticulously maintained and labeled, allowing staff to readily access them.

Operating during regular school hours from 08:30 AM to 1:50 PM on all working days, students may borrow up to two books for a fourteen-day period, while staff and faculty may borrow up to six books for a forty-five-day period. All significant decisions relating to the library’s operations are taken by the School administration.

The library purchases new books as per the requisitions provided by faculty members and students. Furthermore, it provides a purchase suggestion register, allowing teachers and students to recommend books for purchase. All new books and journals are displayed in the new arrival section for fifteen days or until the arrival of the next lot of new arrivals.

To welcome new students, the library conducts an orientation program, offering comprehensive information on its collection, services, timing, and clearing any doubts they may have. Furthermore, the library carries out an annual weeding process, removing all old and damaged books and placing them in the Old/Weeded section for easy access.

The Carmel School Library provides an exceptional and comprehensive range of services and resources, ensuring that both students and staff have access to the latest and most informative literature.

Few Glimpses Of Carmel Library