The house system was devised to promote team spirit and a sense of belonging to the school. It facilitates discussions between the most junior and most senior of school while fostering friendly competitive spirit along the way.

At Carmel School, we believe that the best way to ensure a cohesive learning environment is through team spirit and camaraderie. That’s why we have our School House System, which encourages students of all ages to learn and grow together. Our innovative program facilitates meaningful conversations between the most senior and most junior members of the school, while also encouraging friendly competition. With our system, students can easily interact with one another, creating an atmosphere of inclusivity and collaboration, while preparing them for both school and life.


  • Provides a sense of belonging and community: By dividing students into smaller groups, school house systems can create a sense of belonging and camaraderie among students who may otherwise feel lost in a larger school environment.
  • Facilitates student leadership and ownership: School house systems often include opportunities for students to take on leadership roles within their houses, such as serving as house captains or representatives. This can help students develop important leadership skills and a sense of ownership over their school experience.
  • Encourages healthy competition: Some school house systems include elements of friendly competition among houses, such as annual competitions or events. This can encourage students to strive for excellence and develop healthy competitive spirits.
  • Improves student engagement and academic performance: By fostering a sense of belonging and ownership among students, school house systems can help increase student engagement and motivation, which in turn can lead to improved academic performance.